The Cleaner® His and Hers Formula Kit: The Ultimate Body Detox
Couples that detox together…
Are you troubled by constipation, excessive gas, a bloated stomach, or recurring headaches? Are you carrying unwanted pounds, especially around the waist? Are you often fatigued and low in energy? Chances are, it’s because your body isn’t eliminating waste properly.
You need The Cleaner®!
The Cleaner® His and Hers Formula Highlights:
- Includes a His and Hers bottle of The Cleaner
- The ultimate body detox; helps remove waste pounds
- Powerful
- Comfortable
- Easy Fast Acting All-In-One Formula
The Cleaner® is a powerful total internal cleansing support system in easy to swallow capsules. After the use of The Cleaner®, clothes may fit loosely in the stomach area due to the elimination of waste. The Cleaner® is fast and powerful yet gentle enough to allow you to travel, work, and continue your normal routine. The Cleaner® uses vegetable capsules instead of gelatin for those who desire an animal-free detox. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is sold as a dietary supplement and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
YES…It Really Works!
- Take 4 capsules (average dose) on the evening of day 1.
- On days 2 through 7, take 4 capsules in the morning and 4 in the evening.
- Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day.
- If stools become watery, stop taking until stool solidifies and restart with 1-2 capsules.
- If not having at least one bowel movement per day, take up to 8 capsules per dose until regular.
- The 14 Day contains two 7-day detoxes. Do not use The Cleaner® for more than 7 consecutive days unless directed by a doctor.
The Cleaner Men’s Nutrition Facts:
The Cleaner Women’s Nutrition Facts: