Built Bar Protein Granola Bar – Chocolate Peanut Butter
Granola, Built Better.
A whole new EXPERIENCE from BUILT!
BUILT are constantly trying to bring you the best product, flavors and support for your healthy lifestyle. Introducing BUILT Granola. Loaded with granola, protein and low in sugar and calories this bar is just what you are looking for when you need to reach for a snack. This is not your regular granola bar, it has the perfect crunch and chewiness and, you know it, it’s wrapped in 100% real chocolate.
Built Bar Highlights:
- 100% Real Chocolate
- 160 Calories
- 4g Sugar
- 15g Protein
About the Chocolate
The use of high-quality chocolate could be considered one of the ‘secrets’ of Built Bar. Built Bar’s perfectly tempered dark chocolate mixes with their naturally flavored protein base to produce a flavor combination reminiscent of high-quality candy or dessert. The lingering chocolate aftertaste – your last impression of the bar – is in sharp contrast to other protein bars which have quite negative aftertastes. Though their choice of chocolate does contribute a small amount of sugar to the bar, Built Bar has found that the fiber and protein present greatly decrease the rate of sugar absorption, giving no noticeable blood sugar spike in either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetics.
Natural Flavoring and Coloring
Built Bar only uses natural flavors and natural colors.
Whey Protein Isolate
There are several sources of protein used in protein bars. Three most often are whey, egg whites, and products from soybeans. Whey protein isolate was chosen for the bars because it is a complete protein, which means it has all the essential amino acids, it has high digestibility, and a mild taste.
The isolate version Built Bar used does not contain casein or lactose, which are the components of milk that some people are allergic to. Very few individuals are sensitive to whey protein isolate.
After research, Built Bar eliminated soy as a possible protein base. Though it is a complete protein, it has an unpleasant, beany taste that must be masked. Second, and possibly more important, is that soy contains various enzymes that inhibit the digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. These anti-nutritional enzymes actively prevent you from getting nutrition. Soy protein is flexible in its texture and has a low cost, but the other attributes make it a poor choice for a general protein bar.
Built Bar researched using egg white, which is a widely available, complete protein and has a digestibility almost equal to whey protein. A major problem with egg white is that the sources of egg white protein process their powder in different ways. One batch might absorb a certain amount of water while another will absorb much less. It was this inconsistency that led them away from egg whites.