Bob’s Red Mill Chia Seed, Organic, Whole 12 oz.
Bob’s Red Mill Chia Seed contains a wealth of fiber; 5 grams in just one tablespoon. It is the fiber in chia that causes chia seed to swell when combined with water, creating chia gel. Whether you eat chia gel or just the raw seeds, the hydrophilic action of chia seed will keep you full longer than many other seeds. Amazingly, chia gel can also be used as a substitute for eggs in many baked goods. Use a proportion of 1 to 6 ratio of Chia Seeds to Water to make chia gel. Use approximately one tablespoon of chia gel to replace one large egg in your baked goods.
Chia “Pudding” Recipe: In a shaker bottle, mix together 1/4 cup chia seeds, 1 1/2 cupsalmond milk, 1/4 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 tablespoonmaple syrup,honey, or equivalentStevia. For chocolate flavor, add a teaspoon ofcocoa powder. Shake well and make sure chia seeds are completely covered by almond milk. Refrigerate overnight. The chia seeds will soak up the milk and become thick, similar to tapioca. Eat with a spoon or “slurp it up” with a straw. Delicious and nutritious!