Inspire Strawberry White Chocolate Protein Powder by Bariatric Eating
Not ordinary strawberry, this one contains tiny bits of real strawberry, but its the favor of white chocolate that takes it to the next level!
Inspire Strawberry White Chocolate melts into a protein drink that tastes like a pretty pink REAL berry milkshake and then you taste the white chocolate mmmmmm. We start with pure sweet clean whey protein isolate so the natural strawberry flavor shines. You won’t believe this is protein. Inspire is made for the bariatric pouch – a small thin smooth drink you blend in a glass using just a spoon. No caffeine content.
Inspire provides 20 grams of super-efficient whey protein isolate per small scoop without fat, sugar, lactose or gluten. Whey protein isolate is the highest grade of protein; tiny protein isolate molecules are more easily taken up by the body than inferior whey protein concentrate or blends.
20 Serving size bag
One Serving Packet